Pieces of my favorite paintings in the Ringling Museum, Sarasota.
Detail from a Rubens Tapestry design.
Detail from a Rubens Tapestry design.
Detail from a Rubens Tapestry design.
Detail from a Rubens Tapestry design showing manna falling from Heaven.
Detail from Domenico Puligo's 'The Virgin and Child in Majesty with Saints Quentin and Placidus,' 1521-22.
Painting attributed to Nicolas Bollery title 'The Actors' from around 1600. This guy meant business. 6 faces and 6 hands in one painting with a linear composition.
Detail from 'Portrait of a Woman' attributed to one of Rembrandt's apprentices.
Detail of seaweed strewn on shore from Carl Marr's 'Mystery of Life,' 1879.
Detail of dead woman's legs from Carl Marr's 'Mystery of Life,' 1879.
Detail from Ash Can Painter Robert Henri's 'Salome,' 1909.